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Virtual Fox Fest 2025

An online conference presenting the latest in Microsoft Visual FoxPro development techniques

May 7, 2025

Geek Gatherings Logo


"Level" shows the expected level for attendees for a session. Click a speaker's name to see their bio.

64-bit VFP Development

Presenter: John Ryan
Level: Advanced

While VFP is a 32-bit product, since 2017 the VFPA add-on includes the option of 64-bit development in VFP.

x64 modernizes development and ends some of the 32-bit limitations, but it also has downsides. For example, a VFP FLL is a 32-bit DLL that cannot be used by an x64 app. Unless the FLL source is available for x64 recompilation, VFPers relying on encryption or other FLL functionality will need to find alternatives for x64. Similarly, 32-bit standards like Microsoft's Common Controls used by many VFP developers for TreeViews and other standard Windows GUI are no longer available for x64 development.

This is a hands-on session with minimal slides or presentation, just a deep dive straight into the VFP IDE comparing VFP classes and code that can be expected to work or not work in x64. Particular focus is on things that usually will require change, such as encryption, compression, and GUI elements like TreeViews. The session also covers other functionality in the VFPA add-on that can usefully accompany a move to x64.

Even for developers who are not planning to distribute x64 product, this session assists developers to reduce 32-bit reliance during routine maintenance so that any future change will be much easier to manage.

You will learn:

  • How to install the VFPA add-on
  • The sorts of VFP constructs that work unchanged in x64
  • Things that need to change for x64
  • Some of the presenter's strategies over the years to replace 32-bit dependencies with routines that work in either environment

Prerequisites: Attendees need to be familiar with the VFP IDE, project management, and distribution models including required runtimes as the presenter intends to move quickly. Developers who don't use popular FLLs like VFPEncryption.fll can still benefit from seeing code modified to work in both 32- and 64-bit.

Can't This Application Go Any Faster?

Presenter: Tamar E Granor
Level: Intermediate

What do you do when your customer says that your application is too slow? How can you figure out what's slowing things down? How can you make it faster?

Optimization of a VFP application is more than just applying Rushmore correctly, though that's an important step. In this session, we'll explore techniques for measuring performance of a VFP application and look at things you can do to speed it up.

You will learn:

  • How to figure out what's actually slowing things down
  • How to work with Coverage logs outside the Coverage Profiler
  • Why some "best practices" may not actually be best

Prerequisites: None

Hidden Treasures: The FoxPro Foundation Classes

Presenter: Rick Borup
Level: All levels

The Visual FoxPro Foundation classes are a valuable but perhaps often overlooked resource for the Visual FoxPro developer. Comprising one hundred twelve classes in forty-one class libraries, the Visual FoxPro Foundation classes provide access to all kinds of functionality that might otherwise be more difficult to achieve. This session surveys the foundation classes and looks at several of them in detail, with the goal of helping developers learn to use them to their advantage when building applications.

You will learn:

  • What the Visual FoxPro Foundation classes are
  • How they are arranged and categorized into class libraries
  • How to use selected foundation classes, with sample code
  • How the foundation classes can be sub-classed and extended

Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Visual FoxPro and experience with VFP classes, sub-classes, and class libraries

Practical Version Control: Using Git and GitHub in Your Daily Work

Presenter: Doug Hennig
Level: Advanced

Git is the most popular version control system and GitHub is the most popular remote repository site. Yet many VFP developers still do not use Git in their day-to-day practice or aren't completely comfortable working with it. This session discusses how to get started with Git and GitHub, what tools I use in my daily work, and what workflow I use, whether as a solo developer or on a team.

You will learn:

  • How to install Git and the tools I recommend using with it
  • How to set up local and GitHub repositories
  • What belongs in the repository
  • Typical daily operations: committing and syncing, merging, dealing with conflicts

Prerequisites: None

The Security Cookbook

Presenter: Christof Wollenhaupt
Level: All levels

In this PowerPoint-free session, we talk about practical implementations in the broad area of security. Countless code samples—all available to you—cover various aspects around security:

  • How to implement a secure login dialog
  • How to use the CryptoAPI
  • How to encrypt and sign data
  • How to check files for manipulations
  • How to harden an application against invalid input
  • How to use the report designer securely
  • How to protect your application against code theft
  • How to transfer data securely
  • What you have to consider when accessing a SQL server
  • What to consider with distributed applications
  • How to prepare for quantum encryption

All samples can easily be modified to suit your own needs and to increase the security in your application.

You will learn:

  • What security risks you face as a developer
  • How to use various security related technologies

Prerequisites: None

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